Congratulations Ann Bigelow!

Ann Bigelow

Congratulations Ann on being awarded the Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching.  Ann is currently our acting Chair and Director of the Graduate Diploma in Accounting. 

Excerpt from the Western News

Innovative in designing taxation courses, Ann Bigelow has turned unpopular, tedious and difficult courses around by teaching them in a fun way. Instead of teaching from prepared slides, her ‘flipped classroom’ approach solicits student questions based on readings assigned prior to lectures and then bases her lectures on those questions.

Students adore Bigelow and have consistently given her the highest course evaluation scores in her department. As a beloved mentor to current and former students, she is always available outside the classroom and helps students find the thing in life they feel most passionate about.

Bigelow’s mentorship extends to colleagues whom she helps with teaching technology, like running multiple-section courses more effectively. Furthermore, Bigelow has led the way with the Accounting curriculum and new graduate GDip program by developing courses accredited by the (Canadian) Chartered Professional Accountants. While only in its first year, GDip program is already at maximum enrolment with Bigelow as director.

She dedicates herself to student life-long learning, supports their career development, and inspires them as a role model, while mentoring her peers as a highly respected colleague.

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