Faculty Publications


Papadopoulos, Nicolas & Cleveland, Mark (Forthcoming), Editors. Global, Country, and Place Marketing and Branding: The State of the Art. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, UK.

Cleveland, Mark (Forthcoming), The Fabric of Person-Place-Time. In Papadopoulos, N. & Cleveland, M. (Eds.), Global, Country, and Place Marketing and Branding: The State of the Art. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, UK.

Cleveland, Mark & Bartikowski, Boris (Forthcoming), Consumer Dispositions to Places: From Parochialism to Cosmopolitanism and Beyond (Chapter). In Papadopoulos, N. & Cleveland, M. (Eds.), Global, Country, and Place Marketing and Branding: The State of the Art. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, UK.

Harvey, G., Turnbull, P., and Wintersberger, D. (forthcoming) ‘Has Labour Paid the Price for the Liberalisation of European Civil Aviation?’, Journal of Air Transport Management.

Hall, Matthew J. and Jamie D. Hyodo (2022), "Service Provider to the Rescue: How Firm Recovery of Do-It-Yourself Service Failure Turns Consumers from Competitors to Satisfied Customers," Journal of Service Research, forthcoming.

Petrin, M., Beyond Shareholder Value – Exploring Justifications for a Broader Corporate Purpose, in: E. Pollman & R. Thompson (eds.), Research Handbook on Corporate Personhood and Purpose (Edward Elgar, forthcoming)

Choudhury, B. and Petrin, M., Corporate Purpose and Short-Termism, in: A. Afsharipour & M. Gelter (eds.), Research Handbook on Comparative Corporate Governance (Edward Elgar, forthcoming)

Hickman, E. and Petrin, M., Trustworthy AI and Corporate Governance – The EU’s Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence from a Company Law Perspective (forthcoming, European Business Organization Law Review)

Petrin, M., Corporate Governance and AI, in: Ch. Kerrigan (ed.), Artificial Intelligence: Law and Regulation (Edward Elgar, forthcoming)

Robertson, Jennifer and Julian Barling, “Contrasting the nature and effects of environmentally-specific and general transformational leadership,” Leadership and Organization Development Journal.

Branković, M., Rogoza, R., & Schermer, J.A. (in press). Humor Styles in Serbia: A psychometric evaluation of the Humor Styles Questionnaire and correlations with social attitudes. Current Psychology.

Park, J., van den Broek, K.L., Bhullar, N., Ogunbode, C.A., Schermer, J.A., Doran, R., … Yadav, R. (in press). Comparison of the inter-item correlations of the Big Five Inventory-10 (BFI-10) between Western and non-Western contexts. Personality and Individual Differences.

MacDonald, K.B., Dargan, S., & Schermer, J.A. (in press). Examining the factor structure of the Trait Locus-of-Hope Scale. Personality and Individual Differences.

Schermer, J.A., Furnham, A., & Treglown, L. (in press). Testing the differentiation of intelligence by neuroticism hypothesis. Current Research in Behavioral Sciences.

Kfrerer, M.L., Carrie A. Marshall, C.A., Schermer, J.A., Wedlake, M., Murphy, M., & Rudman, D.L. (in press). Humor in rehabilitation professions: A Scoping review. Disability and Rehabilitation.

Trahair, C., MacDonald, K.B., Furnham, A., & Schermer, J.A. (in press). Altruism and the dark triad. Current Issues in Personality Psychology.

Schermer, J.A., Rogoza, R., Branković, M., Oviedo-Trespalacios, O., Volkodav, T., Ha, T.K., ... Krammer, G. (in press). Humor styles are related to loneliness across 15 countries. Europe’s Journal of Psychology.