DAN Department of Management & Organizational Studies faculty members obtain research funds from major external funding agencies. Below is a list of current funding.
Date: 2020-2024 Name: Johanna Weststar (co-applicant) Title: "The First Three Years" Amount: $ 347,080
Date: 2020-2024 Name: Mark Cleveland Title: "Blurred Ethnic Boundaries: The Palette of Mixed-Ethnic Identity and the Canvas of Consumer Behavior" Amount: $ 98,670
Date: 2019-2021 Name: Bonnie Simpson (co-applicant) Title: “I Don’t Want to Be Like ____” How Consumer Identities Can Divide and Unite in an Increasingly Polarized World Amount: $64,497
Date: 2019-2021 Name: Jun Wang (PI) Title: Why Should We Care About Pension Benefits? Amount: $49,232
Date: 2017-2019 Name: Bonnie Simpson (PI) Title: A Global Food Paradox: Examining the Relationship Between Resource Scarcity and Food Waste Amount: $62,219
Date: 2016-2019 Name: Jun Wang (PI) Title: Does Dual Holding by Institutional Investors Make a Big Difference? Amount: $49,626
Date: 2016-2018 Name: Jennifer Robertson (PI) Title: The Causes, Methods and Effects of Brownwashing Amount: $49,305