Diana Mok
Associate Professor
PhD, Geography, University of Toronto (2002)
Office: SSC 4426
Phone: 519-661-2111 x86368
Email: dmok3@uwo.ca
Corporate Finance, Real Estate Finance
Urban economic geography, Real estate economics, GIS and quantitative methods
Sun, X., Mok, D., and Wang, J.F. June 2021. Real options, housing price risk, and urban sprawl: A case study of the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area using remotely sensed data, 1986–2016. Papers in Regional Science, 100(5), 1273–94.
Mok, D. 2018. Home maintenance expenditures and income uncertainties. Growth and Change, 49(4), 65–76.
Dimitrova, D., Mok, D., and Wellman, B. 2015. Changing ties in a far-flung, multidisciplinary research network: The case of GRAND. American Behavioral Scientist, 59(5), 599–616.
Kowald, M., van den Berg, P., Frei, A., Carrasco, J.-A., Arentze, T., Axhausen, K., Mok, D., Timmermans, H., Wellman, B. 2013. Distance patterns of personal networks in four countries: A comparative study. Journal of Transport Geography, 31, 236–48.
Mok, Diana (with Li, Ling-hin). 2010. The spatial impact of language policies in Hong Kong. Growth and Change, 41(4), 556–587.
Mok, Diana. 2010. The spatiality and the cost of language identity. International Regional Science Review, 33(3), 264–301.
Mok, Diana, Wellman, Barry, and Carrasco, Juan Antonio. 2010. Does Distance Still Matter in Connected Lives? A Pre- and Post-Internet Comparison. Urban Studies, 47(13), 2747–2784.