Feng Zhan

Associate Professor
Ph.D., Finance, Schulich School of Business, York University, 2014
M.A., Economics, University of Manitoba, 2009
B.A. (Honours), Economics, University of Manitoba, 2007, First Class Honours
B.Sc. (Major), Computer Science, University of Manitoba, 2004, Distinction
Office: SSC 4419
Phone: 519-661-2111 x 84931
Email: feng.zhan@uwo.ca
Dr. Feng Zhan is an Associate Professor of Finance at the DAN Department of Management and Organizational Studies. Before joining Western, he taught at Boler School of Business, John Carroll University, in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Dr. Zhan has research interests in corporate finance, corporate governance, investments, law and finance, and international finance. His work has received attention from both academia and industry.
Research Interests:
Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, Law and Finance, Investments, and International Finance
Teaching Interests:
Corporate Finance, Financial Management, Investments, Portfolio Management, Financial Markets
Recent Publications:
“Algorithmic Trading and Market Quality: International Evidence of the Impact of Errors in Colocation Dates” (with M. Aitken and D. Cumming), Journal of Banking and Finance, 2023, forthcoming
“Institutional development, political uncertainty, and corporate cash holdings: Evidence from China” (with X. Zhang and B Liu), Finance Research Letter, 2023, 53.
“Whom (and For When) is the Firm Governed? The Effect of Changes in Corporate Fiduciary Duties on Tax
“Strategies and Earnings Management” (with D. Cumming and B. Tingle), European Financial Management, 2021, 27, 775– 813
“New and Future Research in Corporate Finance and Governance in China and Emerging Markets” (With D. Cumming and V. Verdoliva), Emerging Markets Reviews, 2021, 46.