Geoffrey Wood

Dancap Private Equity Chair in Change and Innovation
Chair, DAN Department of Management & Organizational Studies
Office: SSC 4330E
Phone: 519-661-2111 x82535
Professor Geoffrey Wood is Professor and DanCap Private Equity Endowed Chair, and Department Chair DAN Management at Western University in Canada. Previously, he served as Dean and Professor of International Business, at Essex Business School and before then as Professor of International Business at Warwick Business School, UK. He has authored/co-authored/edited eighteen books, and over two hundred and twenty articles in peer-reviewed journals. Geoff's research interests centre on the relationship between institutional setting, corporate governance, firm finance, and firm level work and employment relations.
He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, and a Fellow of the British Academy of Management, and is also in receipt of an Honorary Doctorate in economics from Aristotle University, Greece. Geoffrey Wood is Editor in Chief of Human Resource Management Journal. He also edits the Chartered ABS Journal Guide ranking list. Previously he has served as Editor in Chief of the British Journal of Management (official journal of the British Academy of Management and of the Annals of Corporate Governance (official journal of the ICGS). He is outcoing editor in chief of the Academy of Management Perspectives (official journal of the Academy of Management). . He has had numerous research grants, including funding councils (e.g. ESRC), government departments (e.g. US Department of Labour; UK Department of Works and Pensions), charities (e.g. Nuffield Foundation), the labour movement (e.g. the ITF) and the European Union.
Wright, M., Wood, G.T., Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Sun, P., Okhmatovskiy, I. and Grosman, A. (eds.). 2022. The Oxford Handbook of State Capitalism and the Firm. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wood, G., Demirbag, M., Kwong, C. and Cooke, F.L. (eds.), 2022. International HRM in an Uncertain World. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis.
Cumming, D., Johan, S. and Wood, G. (eds.). 2021. Oxford Handbook of Hedge Funds. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Demirbag, M. and Wood, G. (eds.). 2018. Comparative Capitalism and the Transitional Periphery: Firm Centred Perspectives. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Collings, D., Szamosi, L. and Wood, G. (eds.). 2018. Human Resource Management: A Critical Approach – 2nd Edition. London: Routledge.
Cumming, D., Wood, G., Filatotchev, I. and Wood, G. 2018. Oxford Handbook of Sovereign Wealth Funds. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Demirbag, M., Glaister, A., Tatoglu, E., Wood, G. and Zaim, S. 2024. “Building Higher Value-Added Firm Practices in a Challenging Context”, Human Relations (accepted for publication, in print). ABS List 4; FT List.
Melhem, M., Darwish, T., Wood, G. and Abushaikhar, I. 2024. “Managing Upward and Downward Through Informal Networks in Jordan”, Human Resource Management (accepted for publication, in print). ABS List 4; FT List.
Lamla, M., Maini, S., Wood, G., and Ehrstein, Y. 2024. “The Adverse Consequences of Quantitative Easing (QE): International capital flows and corporate debt growth in China”, Socio-Economic Review. Early online at: ABS List 4.
Bischoff, C., Kamoche, K. and Wood, G. 2024. “The Formal and Informal Regulation of Labor in AI: The Experience of East and Southern Africa”, Industrial and Labor Relations Review (accepted for publication, in print). ABS List 3.
Brewster, C., Brookes, M. and Wood, G. 2024. “Disaggregating the liberal market economies: Institutions and HRM”, Economic and Industrial Democracy. Early online at: ABS List 3.
Budhwar, P., Chowdhury, S. and Wood, G. 2024. “ Generative Artificial Intelligence in Business: Towards a Strategic Human Resource Management Framework”, British Journal of Management. Early online at: ABS List 4.
Periera, V., Temouri, Y., Wood, G. Bamel, U., and Budhwar, P. 2024. “How do grand-challenges determine, drive and influence the innovation efforts of for-profit firms? A Multidimensional Analysis”, Journal of International Product Innovation Management, 41, 2: 181-210. ABS List 4.
Aust, I., Cooke, F-L., Muller-Camen, M. and Wood, G. 2024. “Achieving sustainable development goals through common-good HRM: Context, approach and practice”, German Journal of Human Resource Management. (accepted for publication, in print). ABS List 2.
Gounopoulos, D., Loukopoulos, G., Loukopoulos, P., and Wood, G. 2023. “Corporate Political Activities and the SEC's Oversight Role in the IPO Process”, Journal of Management Studies: early online at: ABS List 4*; FT List.
Bischoff, C., Demirbag, M. and Wood, G. 2023. “Cosmopolitanism and its aftermath: The rise and fall of Greek and Turkish business in Alexandria”, Business History, DOI: 10.1080/00076791.2023.2220278 ABS List 4.
Budhwar, P., Chowdhury, S., Wood, G., Aguinis, H., Bamber, G.J., Beltran, J.R., Boselie, P., Lee Cooke, F., Decker, S., DeNisi, A. and Dey, P.K., 2023. Human resource management in the age of generative artificial intelligence: Perspectives and research directions on ChatGPT. Human Resource Management Journal, 33(3): 606-659. ABS List 4*
Kamoche, K. and Wood, G. 2023. “International Business and Africa: Theoretical and Applied Challenges, and Future Directions", Journal of International Business Studies, 54: 956–967. ABS List 4*; FT List.
Kellard, N., Kontonikas, A., Lamla, M., Maiani, S. and Wood, G. 2023. “Institutional Settings and Financing Green Innovation, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, ABS List 3.
Temouri, Y., Pereira, V., Delis, A.and Wood, G. 2023. “How Does Protectionism Impact Multinational Firm Reshoring? Evidence from the UK”. Management International Review, 63: 791–822. ABS List 3.
Wood, G. and Cooke, F.L., 2023. Transient entrepreneurs?: Chinese migrant small commercial businesses in South Africa. Journal of International Management, p.101094. ABS List 3.
Cooke, F-L. and Wood, G. 2023. “Closer, stronger, and brighter: bringing IB and IHRM together through the lens of Sustainable Development Goals”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 35, 5: 779-805. online DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2023.2252316 ABS List 3
Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Grosman, A. & Wood, G. 2023. “Cross-country variations in sovereign wealth funds’ transparency”, Journal of International Business Policy, 6: 306-329.
Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Grosman, A., Okhamatovskiy, I., Sun, P. and Wood, G. 2023. “State Capitalism and the Firm: New theoretical directions for corporate governance", Annals of Corporate Governance (accepted for publication, in print).
Tarba, S., Frynas, G., Liu, Y., Wood, G. Sarala, R., Fainschmidt, S. 2023. “Strategic Agility in International Business”, Journal of World Business, 58(2):101411 DOI:10.1016/j.jwb.2022.101411 ABS List 4.
Apaydin, F., Schneider, B.R., Busemeyer, M.R. and Wood, G. 2023. “On Merve Sancak’s Institutions, Skills, Production Regimes and the Near Periphery, Socio-Economic Review, 21(3): 1835-1847. ABS List 3.
Allen, M., Demirbag, M. and Wood, G. 2022. “Developing Theoretically Informed Typologies in International Business: Why We Need Them, and How to Do It”, Journal of International Business Studies, 53: 2133-2146. ABS List 4*; FT List.
Thomakos, D., Wood, G., Ioakimidis, M., and Papagiannikis, G. 2022. “ShoTS Forecasting: Short Time Series Forecasting for Management Research”, British Journal of Management. Early online at: ABS List 4.
Ataullah, A., Le, H. and Wood, G. 2022. “Institutional Investor Heterogeneity and Corporate Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic”, British Journal of Management.ABS List 4. Early online at:
Lartey, T., Uddin, M., Danso, A. and Wood, G., 2022. “CEO Overconfidence and IRS Attention”, Journal of Financial Stability, 61, p.101035. ABS List 3.
Uddin, M. and Wood, G. 2022. “The Resilience of the British and European Goods Industry: Challenges of Brexit”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 31(4): 934-954. ABS List 3.
Manac, R-D., Martin, J. and Wood, G. 2022. “Varieties of Funds and Performance: The Case of Private Equity”, European Journal of Finance. Early online at: ABS List 3.
Grosman, A., Haider, Z., Onali, A. and Wood, G. 2022. "A Very British State Capitalism: Variegation and Bailouts", Environment and Planning A. Early online at: ABS List 3.
Ataullah, A., Le, H., Wang, Z. and Wood, G., 2022. “Corporate diversification and downsizing decisions: International evidence from sharp and sudden performance shocks”, International Review of Financial Analysis, p.102203. ABS List 3.
Almaqableh, L., Wallace, D., Pereira, V., Ramiah, V., Wood, G. Veron, J., Moosa, I, Watson, A. 2022. “Is it possible to establish the link between drug busts and the cryptocurrency market? Yes, we can”, International Journal of Information Management. Early online at: ABS List 2, ABDC A*.
Dibben, P., Wood, G., Crockett, G. and Bakalvo, N. 2022. “Justifying (non)discrimination against disabled workers in emerging economies: Managerial choice, business vs moral case arguments and home vs host country effects”, British Journal of Management. Early online at: ABS List 4.
Markman, G.D. and Wood, G., 2022. “AMP’s Domain and How It Complements Other AOM Journals (editorial)”. Academy of Management Perspectives, 36(1): 1-5. ABS List 4.
Singh, S.K., Tarba, S.Y., Wood, G., Bozionelos, N., Del Giudice, M., Pereira, V. & Latan, H. 2022. Adjustment and work outcomes of self-initiated expatriates in the United Arab Emirates: Development and testing of a model. Journal of International Management. Early online at: ABS List 3.
Pereira, V., Collings, D., Wood, G. and Mellahi, K. 2022.
Evaluating Talent Management in Emerging Market Economies: Societal, Firm and Individual Perspectives”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33: 2171-2191 (accepted for publication, in print). ABS List 3.
Gounopoloulos, D., Mazouz, K. and Wood, G. 2021. “The Consequences of Political Donations for IPO Premium and Performance”, Journal of Corporate Finance. Early online at: ABS List 4.
Cumming, D., Budhwar, P. and Wood, G. 2021. “Entrepreneurial Finance and the Legacy of Mike Wright”, British Journal of Management” Early online at: ABS List 4.
Budhwar, P., Doh, J., and Wood, G. 2021. “Long-Term Energy Transitions and International Business”, Journal of International Business Studies, 52; 951-970. ABS List 4*, FT List.
Schotter, A., Meyer, K. and Wood, G. 2021. “Organizational and comparative institutionalism in international HRM: Toward an integrative research agenda”, Human Resource Management, 60, 1: 205-227 (Anniversary Issue). ABS List 4, FT List.
Allen, M., Saqib, I and Wood, G. 2021. “Lordly Management and its Discontents: 'Human Resource Management' in Pakistan”, Work Employment and Society. Early online at: ABS List 4.
Cooke, F. L., Wood, G., Wang, J. T. and Veen, A. 2021. “A vulnerable victim or a tacit participant? Extending the field of multinationals and corruption research”, International Business Review. Early online at: ABS List 3.
Cooke, F. L., Wood, G. and Saunders, S. 2021. “Migrants working for migrants: Dependence and discourse in Chinese-owned small commercial businesses in South Africa”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management Early online at: ABS List 3.
Pereira, V., Temouri, Y., Wilkinson, A. and Wood, G. 2021 “Exploring and Investigating Sustainable International Business Practices by MNEs in Emerging Market Economies”, International Business Review, 30, 5:
Pham, T., Talavera, O., Wood, G. and Yin, S., 2021. Quality of working environment and corporate financial distress. Finance Research Letters, p.102449. Early online at: ABS List 2.
Wood, G. and Budhwar, P., 2021. “What Makes World Leading Research in HRM? (editorial):. Human Resource Management Journal. Early online at: ABS List 4*
Timming, A.R., Farndale, E., Budhwar, P. and Wood, G., 2021. What are registered reports and why are they important to the future of human resource management research?. Human Resource Management Journal, 31(3), pp.595-602. ABS List 4*
Cooke, F.L., Demirbag, M., Kwong, K. and Wood, G. 2021. “Human Resource Management in the Context of High Uncertainties”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32, 17: 3569-3599. ABS List 3.
Khan, Z., Wood, G. and Wu, J. 2021 “Top Management Team’s Formal Network and International Expansion of Chinese Firms: The Moderating Role of State Ownership and Political ties”, International Business Review, 30, 3: ABS List 3.
Giradone, C., Kokas, S. and Wood, G. 2021. “Diversity and Women in Finance: Challenges and Future Perspectives”, Journal of Corporate Finance. Early online at: ABS List 4.
Brou, D., Coakley, J., Charterjee, A., Girardone, C. and Wood, G. 2021. “Corporate governance and wealth and income inequality”, Corporate Governance: An International Review. ABS List 3. Early online at:
Halabi, H., Alshehabi, A., Wood, G. and Khan, Z. 2021. “The Impact of International Diversification on Credit Scores: Evidence from the UK “, International Business Review, 30, 6: ABS List 3.
Amanwah-Amoah, J., Khan, Z., Knight. G., and Wood, G. 2021. “Covid-19 and Digitalization: The Great Acceleration”, Journal of Business Research, 136: 602-611. ABS List 3.
Wright, M., Wood, G., Musacchio, A., Okhmatovskiy, I., Grosman, A., and Doh, J. 2021. “State capitalism in international context: Varieties and variations”, Journal of World Business 56, 2: ABS List 4.
Mazouz, K., Wood, G., Yin, S. and Zhang, M. 2021. “Comprehending the outward FDI from Latin America and OCED: a comparative perspective”, International Business Review 30, 5:
ABS List 3.
Brewster, C., Brookes, M., Houldsworth, L., Marra, M. and Wood, G. 2021. “Performance Appraisal and MNEs: The Impact of Different Capitalist Archetypes”, International Business Review, 30, 5: ABS List 3.
Harvey, W., Mitchell, V. and Wood, G. 2021. “Where Does All the Know-How Go? The role of tacit knowledge in research impact”, Higher Education Research and Development. Early online at:
Cook, F., Wood, G., Veen, A. and Li, A. 2021. “Riding the tides of mergers and acquisitions by building a resilient workforce: a framework for studying the role of human resource management”, Human Resource Management Review 31, 3.p.100747, ABS List 3.
Amanwah-Amoah, J., Khan, Z. and Wood, G. 2021. Covid-19 and Business Failures: the Paradoxes of Experience, Scale, and Scope for Theory and Practice, European Management Journal, 39, 2: 179-184. ABS List 2.
Kellard, N., Kontonikas, A., Lamla, M., Maini, S. and Wood, G. 2020. “Risk, Financial Stability and FDI”, Journal of International Money and Finance. Early online at: ABS List 3.
Wood, G. and Allen, M. 2020. “Comparing Capitalisms: Debates, Controversies and Future Directions”, Sociology, 54, 3: 482-500. ABS List 4.
Wood, G. and Schnyder, G. 2020. “Comparative Capitalism Research in Emerging Markets – A New Generation”, New Political Economy, 26, 4: 509-513. ABS List 3.
Phan, P. and Wood, G. 2020. “Editorial: Doomsday Scenarios (or The Black Swan Excuse for Doing Nothing”, Academy of Management Perspectives 34, 4: 424-433. ABS List 3.
Zahoor, N., Al-Tabbaa, O., Khan, Z. and Wood, G. 2020. “Collaboration and Internationalization of SMEs: Insights and Recommendations from a Systematic Review”, International Journal of Management Reviews, 22, 4: 427-456. ABS List 3.
Le, H., Wood, G. and Yin, S. 2020. “Labour Market Outcomes of Different Institutional Regimes: Evidence from the OECD Countries”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 45, 1: 85-108. ABS List 3.
Goergen, M., Chahine, S., Wood, G.T. and Brewster, C., 2020. “Context, governance, associational trust and HRM: diversity and commonalities”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32, 17: 3696-3720. ABS List 3.
Cumming, D., Wood, G. and Zahra, S. 2020. “Human Resource Management Practices in the Context of Rising Right Wing Populism”, Human Resource Management Journal, 30, 4: 525-536. ABS List 4.
Wood, G. and Bischoff, C., 2020. Human resource management in Africa: current research and future directions–evidence from South Africa and across the continent. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. Early online at: ABS List 3
Harris, M. and Wood, G. 2020. “Ambidextrous working in health and social care services: A configurational view”, Long Range Planning, 53, 6: ABS List 3.
Cunha, M.P. e, Zoogah, D., Wood, G. and Li, P.P., 2020. “Paradoxes Of Knowledge, Management and Knowledge Management in Africa”. Journal of Knowledge Management”, 24(1), pp.1-7.
Darwish, T., Singh, S. and Wood, G. 2019. Human Resource Management in India:Performance and Complementarity", European Management Review, 17, 2: 373-389. ABS List 3.
Serafini, G., Szamosi, L. and Wood, G. 2020. “People Management After State Socialism: A Literature Review And Research Agenda”, Human Resource Management Review, 30, 4: ABS List 3.
Wood, G. and Bischoff, C. 2020. “Challenges and progress in integrating knowledge: cases from clothing and textiles in South Africa”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 24, 1: 32-55. ABS List 2.
Wu, J., Wood, G., Chen, X., Meyer, M. and Liu, Z. 2019. “Strategic Ambidexterity and Innovation in Chinese Multinational Vs. Indigenous Firms: The Role of Managerial Capability”, International Business Review, 29, 6: ABS List 3.
Andersson, U., Brewster, C., Minbaeva, D., Narula, R. and Wood, G. 2019. “The IB/ IHRM Interface: Exploring The Potential Of Intersectional Theorizing”, Journal of World Business, 54 (5). ABS List 4.
Wood, G., Finnegan, J.J., Allen, M.L., Allen, M.M., Cumming, D., Johan, S., Nicklich, M., Endo, T., Lim, S. and Tanaka, S., 2020. The comparative institutional analysis of energy transitions. Socio-Economic Review, 18(1): 257-294. ABS List 3.
Croucher, R., Glaister, K., Rizov, M., Rofcanin, Y. and Wood, G. 2019. “Challenges and Resilience: Managers’ perceptions of firm performance following M&As”, Applied Psychology, 69, 4: 1470-1505. ABS List 3.
Grieve, P., Miskell, P., Walker, J. and Wood, G. 2019. “Because you’re worth it? Determinants of Vice Chancellor pay in the UK”, Industrial Relations Journal, 50, 5-6: 450-467. ABS List 3.
Wood, G. 2019. “Comparative Capitalism, Long Energy Transitions and the Crisis of Liberal Markets”, The Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, 14: 7-18.
Wood, G. Darwish, T., Alanezi, A. and Singh, S. 2019. “Indigenization of Staffing in MNEs: The Case of Saudi Arabia”, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37, 3: 879-898. ABS List 3.
Khan, Z., Wood, G., Tarba, S., Rao-Nicholson, R. and He, S. 2019. “Human Resource Management in Chinese Multinationals in the UK”, Human Resource Management (US), 58: 473-487. ABS List 4, FT List.
Cumming, D., Wood, G., Filatotchev, I. and Reinecke, J. 2019. “New Investor Categories, Agility and HRM: The Case of Sovereign Wealth Funds”, Human Resource Management Review, 30(1), p.100694. ABS List 3.
Brookes, M., Brewster, C. and Wood, G. 2019. “The Antecedents of Comparative Differences in Union Presence and Engagement: Evidence from Coordinated and Liberal Market Contexts”, International Studies in Management and Organization, 49, 4: 389-401. ABS List 2.
Chahine, S., Goergen, M., Wood, G. and Brewster, C. 2019. “The relationship between public listing, context, multi-nationality and internal CSR”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 57: 122-141. ABS List 4.
Gong, Y., Khavul, S., Markman, G., Mors, M.L., Phan, P.H., Toker, S., Wiersema, M. and Wood, G., 2019. “Editorial Reflections on Academy of Management Perspectives’ Revised Editorial Mission”, Academy of Management Perspectives, 33(2), pp.131-133. ABS List 3.
Cooke, F., Wood, G., Wang, M. and Veen, A. and Wang, M. 2019. How far has international HRM travelled? A systematic review of literature on multinational corporations”, Human Resource Management Review, 29, 1: 59-75. ABS List 3. One of the top cited papers of HRM in 2019-2020 (short-listed for High Impact paper for HRMR in 2020).
Kreis, M.B., Las Heras, M., Rofcanin, Y., Wood, G. and Mughal, F. 2018. “A Closer Look at the Positive Crossover between Supervisors and Subordinates: The Role of Organizational Culture and FSSB”, Human Relations, 72 (11): 1776-1804. ABS List 4; FT List.
Wood, G., Phan, P.H. and Wright, M., 2018. “The Problems With Theory and New Challenges in Theorizing”, Academy of Management Perspectives, 32(4): 405-411. ABS List 3.
Ciftci, I., Demirbag, M., Tatoglu, E. and Wood, G. 2018. “Corporate Governance and Firm Performance in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Turkey”, International Business Review, 28, 1:90-103. ABS List 3.
Ilhan-Nas, T., Okan, T., Tatoglu, E., Demirbag, M., Wood, G. and Glaister, K.W. 2018. Board Composition, Family Ownership, Institutional Distance and the Foreign Equity Ownership Strategies of MNEs. Journal of World Business, 53, 6: 862-897.ABS List 4.
Yaprak, Y, Demirbag, M. and Wood, G. 2018. “Post-Acquisition Strategies of Emerging Market Internationalizing Enterprises: The State of the Art in Research and Future Research Directions”, Journal of Business Research, 93, 2: 90-97. ABS List 3.
Goergen, M., O’Sullivan, N., Wood, G. and Baric, M. 2018. "Sovereign Wealth Funds, Productivity and People: The Impact of Norwegian Government Pension Fund-Global Investments in the UK", Human Resource Management Journal, 28, 2: 288-303. ABS List 4.
Reinecke, J., Donaghey, J., Wilkinson, A. and Wood, G., 2018. Global supply chains and social relations at work: brokering across boundaries. Human Relations, 71(4): 459-480. ABS List 4, FT List.
Leung, W., Mazouz, K. and Wood, G. 2018. “Organization Capital, Labor Market Flexibility, and Stock Returns Around the World”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 89: 150-168. ABS List 3.
Batsakis, G., Wood, G., Azar, G. and Singh, S. 2018. “International diversification and firm performance in the post-acquisition period: A resource dependence perspective”, Journal of Business Research, 93: 151-159. ABS List 3.
Dibben, P. , Wood, G. and O’Hara, R. 2018. “Do return to work interventions for workers with disabilities and health conditions achieve employment outcomes and are they cost effective? A systematic narrative review”, Employee Relations, 40, 6: 999-1014. ABS List 2.
Belaska-Spasova, E., Brewster, C., Walker, J. and Wood, G. 2018. “Context, Market Economies and MNEs: The Example of Financial Incentivization”, International Business Review, 27(1): 21-33. ABS List 3.
Wood, G. 2018. “The Future of the Corporation: Economic Crisis, Long Energy Transitions and the Firm”, The Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, 13: 157-169.
Darwish, T., Singh, S. and Wood, G. 2018. “HRM in Multinational and Domestic Enterprises: A Comparative Institutional Analysis in South-East Asia”, Thunderbird International Business Review (in print). ABS List 2.
Brewster, C., Guery, L, Stephenot-Guery, A. and Wood, G. 2017. “Country of origin effects and new financial actors: Private Equity investment and work and employment practices of French firms”, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 56, 4: 859-881. ABS List 4.
Ahammad, F., Khan, Z., Soundarajan, V. and Wood, G. 2017. “Employee Emotional Resilience during Post-Merger Integration across National Boundaries: Rewards and the Mediating Role of Fairness Norms”, Journal of World Business, DOI Early online at: ABS List 4.
Brewster, C., Guery, L., Stevenot, A. and Wood, G. 2017. “The Impact of Private Equity on Employment: The Consequences of Fund Country of Origin - New Evidence From France”, Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 56 (4): 723-750. ABS List 4.
Croucher, R. and Wood, G. 2017. “Union Renewal in Historical Perspective”, Work Employment and Society, 31 (6): 1010-1020. ABS List 4.
Strauss, K., Lepoutre, J. and Wood, G. 2017. “Fifty Shades of Green: How Microfoundations of Sustainability Vary Across Contexts”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38 (9): 38 (9), 1338–1355. ABS List 4.
Wilkinson, A. and Wood, G. 2017. “Global Trends and Crisis, Comparative Capitalism and HRM”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28 (18). 2503 - 2518. ABS List 3.
Demirbag, M., Wood, G., Makhmadshoev, D. and Rymkevich, O. 2017 “Varieties of CSR: Institutions and Socially Responsible Behaviour”, International Business Review, 26 (6): 1064-1074. ABS List 3.
Cooke, F., Veen, A. and Wood, G. 2017. What do we know about cross-country comparative studies in HRM? A critical review of literature in the period of 2000-2014”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28 (1):196-233. ABS List 3.
Singh, S., Darwish, T., Wood, G. 2017. “Can HRM Alleviate the Negative Effects of the Resource Curse on Firms? – Evidence from Brunei”, Personnel Review, 46 (8): 1931-1947. ABS List 2.
Hambly, R., Kumar, V., Harcourt, M., Lam, H. and Wood, G. 2017. “Profit-sharing as an incentive” The International Journal of Human Resource Management,
doi 10.1080/09585192.2017.1334149 Early online at: ABS List 3.
Brewster, C., Brookes, M., Johnson, P. and Wood, G. 2017. “Legal Origin and Social Solidarity: The Continued Relevance of Durkheim”, Sociology 51 (3): 646-665. ABS List 4
Wood, G. 2017. “The Twilight of Liberal Market Economies and the Implications for Transitional Countries, Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, 12: 5-20.
Frynas, G., Wood, G., and Hinks, T. 2017. “The Resource Curse without Natural Resources: Expectations of Resource Booms and their Impact”, African Affairs, 116 : 233-260. ABS List 3.
Dibben, P., Brewster, C., Brookes, M., Cunha, R., Webster, E. and Wood, G. 2016. “Institutional Legacies and HRM: Similarities and Differences in HRM in Portugal and Mozambique”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28, 18: 2519-2537. ABS List 3.
Brewster, C., Brookes, M. and Wood, G. 2016. “Are MNCs Norm Entrepreneurs or Followers? The Changing Relationship between Host Country Institutions and MNC HRM Practices”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28 (12). 1690 - 1711. ABS List 3.
Wood, G. and Wright, M. 2016. “What Brexit Tells us about Institutions and Social Action”, Socio-Economic Review. 14, 4: 832-836. ABS List 3
Singh, S., Darwish, T., Wood, G. and Mohamed, A. 2016. “Institutions, complementarity, human resource management and performance in a South-East Asian Petrostate: the case of Brunei”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 55, 2: 261-281. ABS List 3
Breslin, D. and Wood, G. 2016. “Rule Breaking in Social Care: Hierarchy, Contentiousness and Informal Rules”, Work Employment and Society, 30, 5: 750-765. ABS List 4
Dibben, P., Meira, J., Linhares, C., Bruce, R. and Wood, G. 2016. “Vanishing value chains, industrial districts and HRM in the Brazilian automotive industry. International Journal of Human Resource Management”. Early online at: ABS List 3
Wood, G., Dibben, P. and Meira, J. 2016. “Knowledge transfer within strategic partnerships: The case of HRM in the Brazilian Motor Industry Supply Chain”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27, 20: 2398-2414. ABS List 3.
Wood, G., Mazouz, K., Yin, S. and Cheah, J. 2016. “Foreign Direct Investment and Employee Rights in South Eastern Europe”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 40, 1: 141-163. ABS List 3
Wood, G. 2016. "Persistent Crisis and Path Dependence: The Foundations and Boundaries of Systemic Change", Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, 11: 11-23.
Brewster, C. and Wood, G. 2016. “Corporate Governance and Human Resource Management”, Annals of Corporate Governance, 1, 3: 249-319.
Liu, Y., Tarba, S., Xing, Y. and Wood, G. 2016. “A Cultural Inquiry on Ambidexterity in Supervisor - Subordinate Relationship”, International Journal of Human Resource Management. Early online at: ABS List 3
Singh , S., Wood , G., Darwish, T. and Alharbi, J. 2016, “Control mechanisms of MNEs: an empirical study”, Multinational Business Review, 24, 3: 279-300. ABS List 2.
Dibben, P. and Wood, G. 2016. “The legacies of coercion and the challenges of contingency: Mozambican unions in difficult times”, Labor History, 57, 1: 126-140. ABS List 2
Wood, G. and Wright, M. 2015. “Corporations and New Statism: Trends and Research Priorities”, Academy of Management Perspectives, 29:2 271-286. ABS List 3
Cooke, F., Wood, G. and Horwitz, F. 2015. “Multinational firms from emerging economies in Africa: implications for research and practice in human resource management”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26, 21: 2653-2675. ABS List 3
Wood, G., Szamosi, L., Psychogios, A., Sarvanidis, S., and Fotopolou, D. 2015. “Rethinking Greek Capitalism through the Lens of Industrial Relations Reform: A View until the 2015 Referendum”, Industrial Relations/Relations Industrielles, 70, 4: 698-717. ABS List 2
Demirbag, M., McGuinness, M., Wood, G., and Bayyurt, N. 2015. “Context, law and reinvestment decisions: Why the transitional periphery differs from other post-state socialist economies”, International Business Review, 24, 6: 955-965. ABS List 3
Wood, G. and Demirbag, M. 2015. “Business and Society on the Transitional Periphery: Comparative Perspectives”, International Business Review, 24, 6: 917-920. ABS List 3
Burgess, C., Currie, G., Strauss, K. and Wood, G. 2015. “Organizational Ambidexterity and the Hybrid Middle Manager”, Human Resource Management (US/Wiley),54, s1: 87-109. ABS List 4, FT List.
Wood, G., Brewster, C. and Goergen, M. 2015. “Institutions, Unionization and Voice”, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 36, 2: 195-214. ABS List 3
Croucher, R. and Wood, G. 2015. “Tripartism in Comparative and Historical Perspective”, Business History, 57, 3: 347-357. ABS List 3
Dibben, P., Klerck, G. and Wood, G. 2015. “The Ending of Southern Africa’s Tripartite Dream: The Case of South Africa, Namibia and Mozambique”, Business History, 57, 3: 461-483. ABS List 3
Wood, G. 2015. “Structural Crisis and Transitions: Present Issues and Potential Future Trajectories”, The Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, 10: 55-68.