Geraint Harvey, Chair in Human Organization

Welcome to Professor Geraint Harvey to the DAN Department of Management & Organizational Studies. Professor Harvey joins us as the DANCAP Private Equity Chair in Human Organization. 

Excerpt from the Social Science News

The way organizations employ people is changing. An increase in the use of temp agencies, employment firms and hiring of ‘bogus self-employed’ contractors has led to a decrease in job security and compensation for workers.

Geraint Harvey researches these trends, with particular attention to how they impact employment in the aviation industry. Harvey is joining the DAN Department of Management & Organizational Studies as a Professor, and the inaugural DANCAP Private Equity Chair in Human Organization.

Harvey said that when firms hire people through ‘bogus self-employment’, hiring them as contractors instead of employing people directly, the firms see savings through not paying minimum wage, sick pay and holiday pay, not offering benefits, or paying into government insurance and employment programs. These costs are passed on to the employees, and there are economic implications. Workers in the gig economy, Harvey said, move from short-term job to short-term job, and are forced to take additional work because they are underemployed.

“Labour tends to be one of the few malleable costs,” said Harvey. “If a company has to make savings, labour tends to be a go to place for cuts.”

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