Corporate Governance

Researchers in the Corporate Governance cluster study the systems, processes, structures, and frameworks used to control and direct any corporation (for-profit and non-profit) in the best interests of all stakeholders. Stakeholders are not limited to shareholders and employees, but also include customers, suppliers, government, the community, and many more. Faculty study the legal, regulatory, and ethical environment that set the stage for governance. They examine how the internal and external mechanisms of corporate governance provide incentives to management to balance the interests of all stakeholders; how corporate social responsibility affects firm performance, value, risk, and policies; how employee voice, non-mandatory behaviours and other forms of citizenship in the workplace impact organizational outcomes; and, how the development of leadership affects stakeholders. Researchers have training in economics, finance, human resource management, industrial relations, psychology, and statistics, and their research interests are deeply rooted in social science.

Selected Faculty Research

Mok, D. 2018. Home maintenance expenditures and income uncertainties. Growth and Change, 49(4), 65–­76.

Dimitrova, D., Mok, D., and Wellman, B. 2015. Changing ties in a far-flung, multidisciplinary research network: The case of GRAND. American Behavioral Scientist, 59(5), 599–616.

Kowald, M., van den Berg, P., Frei, A., Carrasco, J.-A., Arentze, T., Axhausen, K., Mok, D., Timmermans, H., Wellman, B. 2013. Distance patterns of personal networks in four countries: A comparative study. Journal of Transport Geography, 31, 236–48. 

Sheikh, S. (forthcoming). CEO power and corporate risk: The impact of market competition and corporate governance. Corporate Governance: An international Review.

Chakraborty, A., Gau, L., & Sheikh, S. (forthcoming). Corporate governance and risk in cross-listed and Canadian only companies. Management Decision

Sheikh, S. 2019. Corporate social responsibility and firm leverage: The impact of market competition. Research in International Business and Finance, 48, 496-510.

Sheikh, S. 2018. The impact of competition on the relation between CEO power and firm innovation. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 44, 36-50.

Sheikh, S. 2018. CEO power, product market competition and firm value. Research in International Business and Finance, 46, 373-386.

Campbell, S. & Weststar, J. (2019). Peering inside the ‘black box’: The impact of management-side representatives on the industrial relations climate of organizations. Labor Studies Journal

Weststar, J. & Legault, M-J. (2017) “Why might a video game developer join a union?” Labor Studies Journal, 42(4): 295-321. 

Skerrett, K., Weststar, J., Archer, S. & Roberts, C. (Eds.). (2017). The Contradictions of Pension Fund Capitalism. Labor and Employment Relations Association Research Volume. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Weststar, J. (2017). Critical perspectives from the field of pension fund education. In The Contradictions of Pension Fund Capitalism. Skerrett, Weststar, Archer & Roberts (Eds.). Labor and Employment Relations Association Research Volume. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Weststar, J. & Verma, A. (2017). Protector or activist? Consistency and contradiction in labor’s voice on pension boards. In The Contradictions of Pension Fund Capitalism. Skerrett, Weststar, Archer & Roberts (Eds.). Labor and Employment Relations Association Research Volume. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Lee, S., Switzer, L.N., Wang, J., 2019. Risk, culture and investor behavior in small (but notorious) Eurozone countries. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 60, 89-110.

Mazur, M., Salganik-Shoshan, G., Walker, T., Wang, J., 2018. Proximity and litigation: Evidence from the geographic location of institutional investors. Journal of Financial Markets 40, 60-74.

Pukthuanthong, K., Turtle, H., Walker, T., Wang, J., 2017. Litigation risk and institutional monitoring. Journal of Corporate Finance 45, 342-359.

Switzer, L.N., Wang, J., 2017. Institutional investment horizon, the information environment and firm credit risk. Journal of Financial Stability 29, 57-71.

Switzer, L.N., Wang, J., 2017. An event based approach for quantifying the effects of securities fraud in the IT industry. Information Systems Frontiers 19, 457-467.

Chahine, S., Goergen, M., Wood, G. and Brewster, C.  2019.  “The relationship between public listing, context, multi-nationality and internal CSR”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 57: 122-141.

Goergen, M., O’Sullivan, N., Wood, G. and Baric, M. 2018.  "Sovereign Wealth Funds, Productivity and People: The Impact of Norwegian Government Pension Fund-Global Investments in the UK", Human Resource Management Journal, 28, 2: 288-303. 

Kreis, M.B., Las Heras, M., Rofcanin, Y., Wood, G. and Mughal, F.  2018.  “A Closer Look at the Positive Crossover between Supervisors and Subordinates: The Role of Organizational Culture and FSSB”, Human Relations. Early online at: 

Ilhan-Nas, T., Okan, T., Tatoglu, E., Demirbag, M., Wood, G. and Glaister, K.W. 2018. Board Composition, Family Ownership, Institutional Distance and the Foreign Equity Ownership Strategies of MNEs. Journal of World Business, 53, 6: 862-897. 

Reinecke, J., Donaghey, J., Wilkinson, A. and Wood, G., 2018. Global supply chains and social relations at work: brokering across boundaries. Human Relations,  1(4): 459-480.