MOS 4999E Honours Thesis

Application of Interest

Honours Specialization Consumer Behavior or Human Resource Management Students who think they may be interested in pursuing an Honours Thesis should submit the below information by July 31st. There is limited enrolment in the course, and enrolment will be based on academic criteria (minimum 80% average on the last 5.0 courses) and shared research interests with a professor in the DAN Department of Management & Organizational Studies.

Applications will be reviewed, followed by email discussions with a potential supervisor, and with notification of enrolment availability in the course then communicated to the student prior to August 15th. MOS 4999E is very limited, and is conditional on the availability of professors. Students are advised to enroll in a full course load during course registration, with the expectation that once enrolment in MOS 4999E is confirmed the student would unregister from a course(s) of equal value.

Please review the Course Syllabus.

If you wish to proceed, please read and complete the online application form before July 31.

Published Theses

Some of our exceptional students have continued on to have their theses published. 
The following are some examples:

Deol, G. & Schermer, J.A. (2021). The dark side of MEE: The Dark Triad of personality and employee entitlement. Personality and Individual Differences.

Cleveland, Mark & Xu, Cecilia (2019), “Multifaceted Acculturation in Multiethnic Settings,” Journal of Business Research, Vol. 103 (October), 250-260.

Ayisha, A. & Schermer, J.A. (2019). Gender pay gap: A cross-sectional study of the effect of workplace entitlement on pay differences.  Social Behavior Research and Practice, 4(1), 15-20. doi: 10.17140/SBRPOJ-4-116